Friday 14 February 2014

Hello and welcome to my new idea.


I'm Beth, starting a blog for the 10th time and hoping for the best. I have a lot of enthusiasm mixed with wine filled hopes and dreams, and I plan to use those influences for the next few days. 

So I realised I have no hobbies. Well, I thought I had hobbies but I totally forgot to do any of them. Now I don't care enough. When I was young I did some musical and artsy stuff and I thought that learning all these new skills meant that I could be a lazy adult. But I was wrong, because now I sit at home and watch TV - that's about it. I mean, some days I even manage to find Jeremy Kyle shows on the internet and choose to watch them instead of do something useful (I'm in Japan btw, Jeremy Kyle is rare). 

So! I need a goddamn hobby! I need to look into things and experience things and actually make my life a happier thing! I go to work, yeah, but that's work and not included in happy things. It's the weekend now, so I have some time to research and choose something to try! I'll document what I'll do and look back on it at the end of the week/month/year (I dunno, how detailed do you think this plan is? Look at me, I'm 22 in monsters inc pajamas desperately trying to finish typing before I fall to sleep). 

... (I'm currently watching the second Hobbit movie and I have decided that it will in no way be any part of my hobbies. It's poopoo)

So yeah that was long... I don't even want to check it cos it's just long. 

A recent picture of me smiling. Just so you know I'm serious.

Where I live.

 The boyfriend, Kengo, and his friend, beer.

I'll try and get this hobby thing underway. Maybe I'll do videos. 


NaeeRae said...

Take up knitting :P it can be a pain to learn, but when you get the hang of it and finish a piece you've been working on for ages it like wooo! Its also really good for just picking up and doing when there is nothing to do, even while your watching TV xD But in all seriousness :P do something you want to otherwise you'll be even more bored or frustrated xD xxx<3

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