Friday 25 April 2014

Excuses, excuses

So I didn't keep up with the blog. Slap on the wrist for me.
But actually I haven't been very well for a while so all I've been doing is sitting in my room doing nothing and going to work. Despicable!

Actually it's a bit of a problem because I'm down in the dumps. Don't wanna do anything with anyone cos I'm ill and sad, and don't wanna stay indoors because I'm letting people down. Seriously, I don't even go on facebook to talk to people. I don't quite know why but I don't have the energy for anything.

So obviously, I'm gonna try and change that. Somehow I can still conjure the energy to want to change some things from time to time. I've been doing some Japanese, I've been forcing myself to go outside for solitary walks and trying to figure out ways to make myself feel a little better. I'm quite sure that I'll be feeling better soon. It's not the end of the world, I'm not gonna be all dramatic about things or anything (cos at the end of the day this is still the big ol' scary internets with who-knows-who reading who-knows-what) and you know blah blah blah.

I've been watching so many things. I got into some movies and TV shows and I've also started some yoga because I've been ill and it's been keeping me a little bit active and helped my body. Obviously I can't do it very well because it's been like, what, 2 months? And most of my yoga involves me swearing at the woman on the screen cos she demands some really stupid crap that no one can do. 

I went to the zoo not long ago, and a lot of the animals were in really small enclosures. It made me kind of sad, and I wondered how many other animals in zoos are in really small pens similar to the ones I saw. Kinda crap. I saw this fox and awwww, bless him, he was playing with one of the zoo keepers but kept getting scared of all the people who were watching him. People were like 'Oh look! He moved!' and I thought, well, of course he does. He's alive. Poor little bugger was running into the trees with his tail between his legs because people were shouting. We left shortly after that.

Anywho, I don't have much else to say. I'll probably post again some time.I still wanna do Swedish but I do not know how to continue with it. Dang. 

Monday 24 February 2014

Hobby #2: Animal study, mostly ferrets cos they're fun.

It's a Ferret. A.K.A a long hamster.

I always kinda liked ferrets, and I remember telling my dad that I wanted a ferret called Fidget. Then I came back to Japan for like the third bloody time and a friend showed me her pet ferret and I fell in love with them all over again. I realised that I live in a proper flat and I'm permanently in one place for the first time in years so I could finally get a pet! Why not a ferret?!

No! Because Japan. Because.Japan. 

I'm not allowed any pets in my flat, and that's quite common over here. I thought that maybe it wouldn't matter and my landlord would never found out, but I can't convince my boyfriend. Still, I persevere. 

I joined a few groups online to learn about ferrets and I found out that I really enjoy learning about them. I also love them. I held the ferret that's in the picture above and he was gorgeous! So I'm gonna spend a week writing down everything I know about them and finding out new weird facts and so on. 

I might move on to other animals too, because they're all cute and furry. This is also like a preparation period for me (for the future, when I get a pet FINALLY and end up having to look after it like a mamma).

One day I will have a pet here! Of course, I haven't forgotten my cat back at home.

Cute little Pupu (yes that's her name). She molts everywhere though, as you can see. She's also a bitch, but that's ok cos she's cute. 

I'm ill and that's why I don't do things.

I got ill! Oh dear. I did it all by myself.

This is me a long time ago, but work people like you to wear a mask when you're ill so that you don't spread your germy germy germs on their faces. 

Anywho, I haven't done a whole lot this week because work has been hard and I've been ... distracted. I've been watching the hilariousness of twitch plays pokemon. I don't know if I should be ashamed, embarrassed, happy or impressed or [enter emotion] but I've played Pokemon since I was ~7 ish and it's always been my favourite game ever. This twitch plays Pokemon game is basically thousands of people playing the generation 1 version of Pokemon at the same time, putting in commands and trying to guide a character through the game. The most people I've seen playing was roughly 100,000 at the same time... it's chaos. 

It's also hilarious. When you've been playing these games for 15 years you just kind of... weep? In an entertained way. Is that possible? Apparently it is. So many people have gotten interested in Pokemon again, saying things like 'I haven't played this game since I was a kid! I'm so into it right now!'

(That's the kind of thing that makes me feel ashamed for having such a Pokemon history, but hey, now I'm all knowledgeable and wise).

Anywho, I'll talk briefly about Pokemon (as the twitch version got me all hyped up) and briefly about Japanese.

Pokemon emulator, Pokemon people, Pokemon this and that.

So I got myself an emulator so that I can play Pokemon games on my laptop. I've played every game (except X and Y because I do not have a 3DS) BUT I have not played Emerald. So I downloaded it. My brother says it's great but I just don't know how different it will be from Ruby and Sapphire. 

I'm not so far through, but it's rather nostalgic playing this generation because I don't play it often at all. I prefer it 10x more to Black and White (ooohhhh so much more) and more than Pearl and Diamond but meh, I enjoyed them. 

I WAS considering just raising one type of Pokemon but I might leave that for Gen 1 or 2. I suck at all the other ways of playing the game (people made up ways of playing and I tried but releasing Pokemon when they faint or something is too hard for a Beth).

Japanese hell study

I'm still not so interested, to be perfectly honest. 

HOWEVER I've been watching videos on Youtube of what people think about being 'burned out' or just feeling totally unable to study a language, and a lot of people say things like you're probably stuck in your mother language and need to break free of your old ideas.

Japanese is the only language other than English that I can speak properly. I reckon that I am quite stuck in my ways with English especially since I started learning Japanese at 18. So, even if it's not always recommended, maybe learning another language alongside Japanese might help.

Maybe I'm just not into language learning at all, and I reckon I can change that. I'm easily persuaded by things so I reckon I can persuade myself into getting into this language malarkey. Also, I only really know how to study language in Uni (that means sitting with a book and materials and going through things like a computer analyzing data boop beep boop). Let's do something new!

I don't know why I put this here. This was when I bought my Denshi Jisho (electronic dictionary). Even my old Ipod... thing is here. Oldie doo daa.

But what?!!?!

Who knows.... dum dum DUUUMMMM.

Imma go back to being ill.

Monday 17 February 2014

Hobby #1: Japanese (not quite a hobby, but still).

So studying Japanese doesn't seem like a 'hobby' to me.
My degree was Asia Pacific Studies and in that I had to study Japanese for 4 years. And I had to study abroad there. And now I live there. And my boyfriend is a Japanese man...

My old 1 person apartment in Nisshin, Japan.
So yeah, Japan plays a big ol' part of my life.
But that's the problem! I've been doing Japanese for so long that it's become a chore. There is a lot about Japan that I hate, but I like living here (sounds daft, I know, but this is my blog so it DOESN'T sound daft. Ha). On top of all this my confidence in my own Japanese knowledge is at an all time low, and I don't think that foreigners in Japan are terribly supportive (not for me, but foreign support may be very important for other people).

So, why not try and revive my enthusiasm?!

Studying Japanese is neccessary so I wouldn't count it as a hobby, but looking for study theories has taken up quite a bit of time, so here's what I can share:

Steps for studying language (like Japanese) for a Beth like me:

Take a step back, breathe, and look at where you are.
Tbh, I think it might be important to have a little break. In my case, I've just finished a rather intense load of Japanese study and I feel like I'm still closely linked to University. Every time I opened a book I would remember my strict classes :/ they stressed me out to the max.
Taking a weekend to think about what I could do to get back into Japanese really helped me look at how far I've come and what I can do for the future. Maybe, if you're in a rut like me, you should do the same thing!
Ask for help/look for help.
I had a lot of encouraging help from friends on Facebook when I mentioned how low my confidence was. I was given so much good advice, like to think about what other people think of your own skill (it's never as bad as you think), remember that everyone feels inferior at some point, and also to ask for help no matter how bad you feel about it.
I have people I can ask (like my boyfriend), but I found some interesting things online too.
Steve Kaufmann (probably a very well known guy, tbh) has some interesting videos on different ways to study other than studying in a classroom environment. I don't watch his newer videos because I've been watching some of his 'general language learning' playlists. They're interesting, the guy is very opinionated and I believe that his confidence is rather encouraging for me. He does continuously advertise the website he works with, but tbh the website is incredibly useful too!  
This guy is just an example, but seriously, youtube people and their confidence might actually help you if you are lacking.
Do something you're interested in, don't stick with school books.

I didn't know it, but there are loads of places with interesting resources. I signed up to that Lingq thing because there was an advert recently about a 90 day challenege for people who have lost interest in language. I took it up and yeah, it's fun, there are a lot of recordings and texts and I don't see what harm it would do to sign up for it.
I also found Japanese pod 101, but I don't use it. I just found it when I searched for new ways to study Japanese.
But tbh, I think that skype and socialising are the best ways to do things your interested in. If you are in my position and have fallen out of love with a language, but know people who still love the language, then talk to your friends! Even skype them and pretend its like a language meeting or some crap! I kind of agree that it's too hard to just talk to people you don't know for the sake of language because it's awkward and not natural, so just do what you can!
Remind yourself of what activities you liked the most.
I know someone who is amazing at applying himself, studying and maintaining his enthusaism no matter what he does. That is way annoying.
But maybe he has just found the right study techniques for him.
He uses flashcards, and when I first heard it I thought 'My god how boring', but he has these flashcards on his phone, on his computer, everywhere! They automatically hide the ones he knows well and keep giving him the flashcards he struggles with. It's quite dinky.
Personally, I'd rather make something or draw it... or even write something in Japanese. I also remember something from the JLPT N2 study book that really took my fancy.
From my book, a certain type of activity.
Personally, I like this type of activity because it kinda helps with grammar and vocab. I can't really explain properly though, I just like doing these questions. That's what I like so maybe that's what's best for me.
Remember that you can buy any textbook no matter what it's for. If you think you like the look of a JLPT book then buy it, even if you aren't taking any tests. What's stopping you? Or just use the questions on the website.
Exercise while you study.

Me running around on the beach. Forget about the broken arm, I swear it won't happen to you... 
I don't know if this is true, or if anyone agrees, but I think it keeps you happy and motivated if you take a study break by going for a run, or doing something active. It keeps me happy, stops me from being so lazy, and kind of keeps me motivated for study. Apparently it helps you take in more information too, but I'm not sure if that's true.
I used to go to the gym or just have a few minutes exercise in my room. Don't take it to the extreme though.
So! Maybe I'll add to this. I think I will very soon. (I've definitely forgotten a lot).



This is based off my own experiences and half arsed research so don't think it will apply to you! I mean, it might do, which is lovely, but if it doesn't, it doesn't really matter does it? There are a million other people out there who study languages, so have a good look! I'm doing the same thing!

Friday 14 February 2014

Hello and welcome to my new idea.


I'm Beth, starting a blog for the 10th time and hoping for the best. I have a lot of enthusiasm mixed with wine filled hopes and dreams, and I plan to use those influences for the next few days. 

So I realised I have no hobbies. Well, I thought I had hobbies but I totally forgot to do any of them. Now I don't care enough. When I was young I did some musical and artsy stuff and I thought that learning all these new skills meant that I could be a lazy adult. But I was wrong, because now I sit at home and watch TV - that's about it. I mean, some days I even manage to find Jeremy Kyle shows on the internet and choose to watch them instead of do something useful (I'm in Japan btw, Jeremy Kyle is rare). 

So! I need a goddamn hobby! I need to look into things and experience things and actually make my life a happier thing! I go to work, yeah, but that's work and not included in happy things. It's the weekend now, so I have some time to research and choose something to try! I'll document what I'll do and look back on it at the end of the week/month/year (I dunno, how detailed do you think this plan is? Look at me, I'm 22 in monsters inc pajamas desperately trying to finish typing before I fall to sleep). 

... (I'm currently watching the second Hobbit movie and I have decided that it will in no way be any part of my hobbies. It's poopoo)

So yeah that was long... I don't even want to check it cos it's just long. 

A recent picture of me smiling. Just so you know I'm serious.

Where I live.

 The boyfriend, Kengo, and his friend, beer.

I'll try and get this hobby thing underway. Maybe I'll do videos.