Monday 24 February 2014

I'm ill and that's why I don't do things.

I got ill! Oh dear. I did it all by myself.

This is me a long time ago, but work people like you to wear a mask when you're ill so that you don't spread your germy germy germs on their faces. 

Anywho, I haven't done a whole lot this week because work has been hard and I've been ... distracted. I've been watching the hilariousness of twitch plays pokemon. I don't know if I should be ashamed, embarrassed, happy or impressed or [enter emotion] but I've played Pokemon since I was ~7 ish and it's always been my favourite game ever. This twitch plays Pokemon game is basically thousands of people playing the generation 1 version of Pokemon at the same time, putting in commands and trying to guide a character through the game. The most people I've seen playing was roughly 100,000 at the same time... it's chaos. 

It's also hilarious. When you've been playing these games for 15 years you just kind of... weep? In an entertained way. Is that possible? Apparently it is. So many people have gotten interested in Pokemon again, saying things like 'I haven't played this game since I was a kid! I'm so into it right now!'

(That's the kind of thing that makes me feel ashamed for having such a Pokemon history, but hey, now I'm all knowledgeable and wise).

Anywho, I'll talk briefly about Pokemon (as the twitch version got me all hyped up) and briefly about Japanese.

Pokemon emulator, Pokemon people, Pokemon this and that.

So I got myself an emulator so that I can play Pokemon games on my laptop. I've played every game (except X and Y because I do not have a 3DS) BUT I have not played Emerald. So I downloaded it. My brother says it's great but I just don't know how different it will be from Ruby and Sapphire. 

I'm not so far through, but it's rather nostalgic playing this generation because I don't play it often at all. I prefer it 10x more to Black and White (ooohhhh so much more) and more than Pearl and Diamond but meh, I enjoyed them. 

I WAS considering just raising one type of Pokemon but I might leave that for Gen 1 or 2. I suck at all the other ways of playing the game (people made up ways of playing and I tried but releasing Pokemon when they faint or something is too hard for a Beth).

Japanese hell study

I'm still not so interested, to be perfectly honest. 

HOWEVER I've been watching videos on Youtube of what people think about being 'burned out' or just feeling totally unable to study a language, and a lot of people say things like you're probably stuck in your mother language and need to break free of your old ideas.

Japanese is the only language other than English that I can speak properly. I reckon that I am quite stuck in my ways with English especially since I started learning Japanese at 18. So, even if it's not always recommended, maybe learning another language alongside Japanese might help.

Maybe I'm just not into language learning at all, and I reckon I can change that. I'm easily persuaded by things so I reckon I can persuade myself into getting into this language malarkey. Also, I only really know how to study language in Uni (that means sitting with a book and materials and going through things like a computer analyzing data boop beep boop). Let's do something new!

I don't know why I put this here. This was when I bought my Denshi Jisho (electronic dictionary). Even my old Ipod... thing is here. Oldie doo daa.

But what?!!?!

Who knows.... dum dum DUUUMMMM.

Imma go back to being ill.


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